Well being asked to write about digital distribution got my heart racing all fast-like. See I'm new to the scene and so far I must say that I'm vastly impressed with the amount that Steam offers for so little. I'm not impressed, however, with EA's addition into this growing commodity that threatens to destroy brick and mortar retailers.
The name even makes me want to vomit my insides out onto the wall of the money whores like EB Games. What is the point of having games on the digital distribution program at the same price as the disc version? Never mind the fact that there are new release games on Steam (which is already established in it's own right) for at least two thirds of the price. That's not accounting for the various sales held daily which, in some cases, slashes games by up to 80% or more!
What possible reason could they have other than attempting to cheat the gamers out of their hard earned cash. While finding the time to simultaneously dishing out a cold, wet slap from their pimp hand directly to the intelligence of every sane-minded gamer around.
Retailers traditionally take their cut of the price before giving any profits to the developers, the digital distribution completely eradicates that problem, which is good for developers and consumers alike. There is no real reason as to why they EA charge what they do, nor why they think they can get away with it. Going so far as to now completely stop Steam from releasing Battlefield 3 in order for them to be the only ones who profit from the venture. This has subsequently created a swift reaction from their Steam community going so far as to boycott the game until a Steam release.
Steam ushered me into the cinema of digital distribution, offering me my popcorn, Skittles and a large Solo. Even puffing the cushion on my seat for extra comfort. EA however yanked me in, raped my consumerist values and sat me down on a bed of nails.
The future is digital distribution, there is no denying the advantages which are associated with it for both company and consumer. That is, as long as Steam are involved and EA and it's Origin are not.
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